Love it or hate it, virtual presenting is here for the long haul and YOU need to be good at it.
That’s what the smart folks over at Gartner Research think. And honestly, after looking at all of the various data I’ve seen published since the COVID-19 pandemic began, I think they’re right.
But don’t take my word for it… after all, if you torture data long enough it will say anything you want it to—right?
Here are the stats behind the belief that virtual selling is here to stay:
- Gartner projects that 74% of companies will adopt remote work permanently for some employees and that by 2024 only 25% of business meetings will happen in person.
- Gartner stated that by 2025, 80% of all B2B sales transactions between sellers and buyers will occur through digital channels.
- Research fielded by the Mays Business School over at Texas A&M found that up to 30% of the workforce reports they’ll likely carry out their tasks from a remote location by 2024. (Turns out even Aggies can see the writing on the wall 😉 )
- AirBnB research found 64% of people polled said they're interested in living away from the company, then traveling to the office occasionally.
I could go on, but you’ve probably seen the same or similar data points yourself. Post-COVID, buyers are really comfortable with buying from salespeople they’ve never met face-to-face and employees are planning to maintain at least some level of WFH flexibility going forward.
That’s why, love it or hate it, virtual presenting is here for the long haul. And that’s why YOU and your sales teams need to invest in the best virtual sales training you can find to become exceptional virtual sellers. In fact, that same Texas A&M study found that 75% of chief sales officers are emphasizing virtual selling skills for their reps to prepare for this cultural evolution. Smart folks, those chief sales officers.
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What Virtual Selling Skills Do Salespeople Need To Improve?
Is it enough to simply invest in sales training to improve your sales teams’ video sales call efforts? You know, make sure they can rock a Zoom sales call. Unfortunately, no. Because this post-pandemic cultural shift is so much more than that. Specifically, in a world of virtual sales, the sales call starts well before the actual sales call. Let me explain.
Numerous research studies have shown that over 70% of potential buyers are self-educating via Google searches, asking friends and colleagues for suggestions via social media, and reading freely available online content before they even bother to alert a salesperson they’re in the market for a product or service. And that’s important to you because until those invisible buyers decide to turn off their Klingon cloaking device, they’re what I call an Invisible Sale. They can see you, but you can’t see them.
Which brings us to a second important point. Those same invisible buyers aren’t just researching the company, they’re researching the salesperson too. One recent study of B2B buyers revealed 82% of them claimed they looked up a salesperson’s LinkedIn profile before deciding whether to respond to the salesperson or not. In another study that focused more on the SMB marketplace, the numbers were lower, 36% overall, but the study also asked about looking up a salesperson’s other social media profiles. I find the Gen Z data especially interesting… don’t you?

Image by Converse Digital, Data from SalesFuel's Voice of the Buyer Study
What Kind of Virtual Sales Training Do Salespeople Need Today?
In a digital-centric, remote-working environment where a salesperson is far less likely to ever meet their sales prospects face-to-face, it’s imperative that you arm your sales teams with seven key virtual selling skills:
Are you looking for more Sales Training, Social Selling, or Virtual Selling Information?
Honestly, with the right virtual sales training, there isn’t any reason you or your salespeople should hate virtual selling. It’s more efficient, allows them to spend more time at home with family and friends vs airplanes and hotels, and best of all, research has shown that when done well, it can actually be more effective at closing more deals and helping them make more money.
Need some help with your virtual sales training efforts? Let’s schedule a time to chat. Just click here to find a time on my calendar for a quick call. I look forward to talking with you.
This post was originally published on Painless Prospecting, the weekly sales and marketing blog created by the fine folks at Converse Digital. If you want to learn how to create, engage in, and convert conversations into new clients and customers, give them a call.
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