June 25, 2024

Most people believe buyers choose sellers based on knowing, liking, and trusting someone. But that’s only part of the story. In reality, people do business with those they know, like, trust, and find credible. Credibility is the often-overlooked linchpin in sales success. Especially in today’s digital-first world, where your digital persona forms the first impression,

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December 18, 2023

I’m a voracious reader. I always have been. The best Christmas gift I ever received was a Kindle Unlimited Subscription. I mean, books are the cheapest, highest ROI investment you can make in your future and career. So with that in mind… here is my Christmas gift to you this year. The 12 best business

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November 10, 2023

Overcome shopping cart abandonment for your high-ticket items. Learn proven strategies to build credibility and convert leads into high-value sales.

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June 7, 2023

Contract negotiation – the very idea can send chills down the spine of even the most hardened professional. Images of high-stakes poker games and back-alley deal-making can fill the mind. But, as the renowned negotiation expert, Christopher Voss would say, a successful contract negotiation strategy is more akin to navigating a labyrinth than engaging in

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May 9, 2023

I recently listened to Barbara Winters, VP and principal analyst at Forrester, to discuss how Gen Z and Millennial B2B Buyers are reshaping the buying process and what companies should do to succeed with these buyers. And what she had to say, kind of blew me away. Honestly. Here’s why. When I wrote The Invisible

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April 26, 2023

Today’s post is the second part of our three-part series — LinkedIn Sales Prospecting for Introverts. If you missed the first post, Building Connections That Matter, feel free to read it before continuing on to today’s post, LinkedIn Content Marketing Strategies for Introverts. It’s ok, I’ll wait .   As an introverted business development professional,

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April 12, 2023

The world of sales prospecting has changed dramatically over the past decade. Traditional prospect badgering approaches to business development are giving way to digital sales strategies, especially virtual selling skills-based tactics, forcing businesses to evolve to succeed in today’s fast-paced digital landscape. This guide will provide the tactics and insights necessary to master digital sales

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March 16, 2023

Networking has always been essential to growing your personal and professional brand. But for introverts like me, networking, especially the sales prospecting and nurturing variety, doesn’t sound fun. Luckily, the digital landscape offers many networking opportunities for introverts that want to connect with qualified prospects by curating and sharing high-quality digital content that your prospects

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March 1, 2023

In business development pitches, the right messaging combined with an effectively designed PowerPoint deck can make all the difference in closing a deal. But with so much competition and noise in the market, it can be challenging to differentiate yourself from the competition and connect with your best prospects.   However, a recent Corporate Vision

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December 21, 2022

I’m a voracious reader. I always have been. The best Christmas gift I ever received was a Kindle Unlimited Subscription. I mean, books are the cheapest, highest ROI investment you can make in your future and career. So with that in mind… here is my and Quinn’s Christmas gift to you this year. Our 12

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November 2, 2022

My sons love to fish. I like to fish. The problem is, we don’t know how to fish — or better stated, we don’t know how to FIND where the fish are hanging out. And we’re not alone. There is an entire industry devoted to helping folks like us find and catch fish — charter

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August 17, 2022

Competitive differentiation is crucial to delivering compelling sales pitches that close quickly and generate higher margins. When sales prospects view you, your organization, and your product or service as something extraordinary—and not just a commodity — you can avoid price concessions as your primary tool to win more business.    Suppose you’re lucky enough to

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June 22, 2022

Many moons ago, a friend of mine was watching the Super Bowl and along with millions of other folks around the world saw a Samsung commercial for a ground-breaking new phone. And like we all do (well all of us with smartphones) he immediately Googled the name of this new phone. Alas, he was greeted

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June 8, 2022

The Problem: Research shows that worldwide B2B buyers are increasingly moving towards DIY buying processes that eliminate the salesperson entirely. In a Gartner Research pre-pandemic survey of 750 B2B customer stakeholders involved in complex “solutions” purchases within their organization, customers reported spending only 17% of their total buying time interacting directly with supplier sales teams.

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April 27, 2022

When recently asked, many B2B buyers of complex solutions strongly preferred a purchase experience free of sales rep interactions altogether. The nearly 1,000 Business-to-Business buyers survey revealed that 43% of surveyed respondents preferred a rep-free buying experience. When cut by generation, 29% of Baby Boomers wanted to remove sales reps entirely. A feeling shared by

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April 20, 2022

The problem with most posts sharing B2B Social Media Marketing best practices is they’re written by agencies and consultants that don’t employ paid sales teams. The B2B social media strategy that works for them likely doesn’t work for most small, mid-sized, or enterprise-level B2B companies. That’s why you see a lot of talk about thought

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April 6, 2022

They say you only get one chance to make a first impression. And in the world of virtual sales prospecting, the punishment for failing to make a good first impression could just end up eliminating your ability to communicate with the person you’re trying to connect with forever. So, let’s talk about how to make

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March 30, 2022

All B2B content falls into one of two content classes: there is 1st-Click Content (the kind you’re most familiar with) and 2nd-Click Content, the kind most B2B marketers are not yet producing but should be, to truly arm their Sales Teams for social selling success. But not all 2nd-Click content is created equally and today

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March 2, 2022

What’s Happening: the Covid-19 Pandemic has fundamentally changed the world of sales prospecting — likely forever.   A McKinsey survey found 70-80% of B2B decision-makers say they prefer remote interactions to in-person. Hence, video calls, emails, chats, and social media conversations are replacing lunches, dinners, drinks, and other forms of in-person entertainment as a salesperson’s primary

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February 16, 2022

What do you think would happen if you gave your customers a seat at the table? What if instead of only caring about selling them something, you cared more about engaging with them in deep, insightful conversations? Maybe this would inspire THEM to tell others to give your product or service a look. Sound crazy? Take a look at what happened to one company who gave it a try.

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January 26, 2022

B2B Sales leaders need to rethink how they manage their sales organizations in terms of content, data, technology, processes and people to effectively compete in today’s social distanced, hybrid work; self-servicing world.  Today and in the future, the best informed bird wins the sale. Why? 70% or more of buyers are conducting pre-purchase research online

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January 12, 2022

AdAge’s recently released 2021 Marketers of the Year Awards are a treasure trove of buzzy marketing trends—some worth emulating, others maybe less so. The list highlights some big brands doing bold things, and several industry fads and trends are evident throughout—Target’s innovative use of “shop-in-shops” to partner with loyalty driven brands like Ulta and Disney

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January 6, 2022

Every one of us—every person, company, organization and sales team—is surrounded by hidden forces that make it harder to convince others to adopt the new ideas or beliefs necessary to close more sales.  So when your sales numbers aren’t meeting expectations, when you’re struggling to gain traction and achieve your sales goals, what do you

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December 23, 2021

I’m a voracious reader. Always have been. In fact, I think the best Christmas gift I ever received was a Kindle Unlimited Subscription. I mean books are quite simply the cheapest, highest ROI investment you can make in your future and your career. So with that in mind… here is my Christmas gift to you

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December 16, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic changed the public’s outlook on many aspects of life. More specifically, the outlook on remote work and the future of the workplace in general was altered dramatically. Employees alternating between working remotely and working in the office isn’t just a temporary pandemic blip, but according to most research, a cultural shift that

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December 2, 2021

Does your company suffer from this problem?   The marketing team is generating tons of leads for your sales teams. They’re hitting all of their lead generation KPIs in terms of total leads, marketing qualified leads, etc. BUT – your sales team isn’t happy. They don’t feel like the leads are good and complain that

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November 11, 2021

Love it or hate it, virtual presenting is here for the long haul and YOU need to be good at it.   That’s what the smart folks over at Gartner Research think. And honestly, after looking at all of the various data I’ve seen published since the COVID-19 pandemic began, I think they’re right.   

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October 28, 2021

I recently discovered some incredibly interesting social media advertising research produced by Travis Chambers and his firm. They analyzed $80,000,000 in social ad spend covering 30,000 different creative assets to try and figure out what kind of ad types are most effective on social media. And frankly, what they discovered will probably surprise you and

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September 28, 2021

So why don’t we?  I’m sure there are many opinions on the subject… feel free to share yours in the comments on this post or our LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter pages.  But for me… I think the answer is simple. Fear.  Fear Kills Great Ideas Like it or not, there are people in the world

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