Are You Winning The Invisible Sale?
We wrote the book on social selling. Literally. And while it was written to serve as a field guide for any person or organization trying to augment their traditional sales prospecting system with a new, digitally centric approach, we understand that some organizations want and need help to implement the core principles of The Invisible Sale.
More importantly, our clients understand that tips and tricks are for amateurs looking for a shortcut. Professionals are seeking to transform their ability to sell in a digital-centric world. And creating an exceptionally effective Social Selling program isn’t limited to retraining their sales team. They also understand that the marketing team must also rethink and retool their content creation and dissemination approach. And finally, both the sales and marketing teams must learn how to work together in a truly integrated manner that allows both teams to fully support the success of the other to drive more significant sales growth than either can achieve alone.

If you're a freelancer or solopreneur that hates to sell and would love to never make another cold call, then this is the course for you. Let us show you how to Painlessly Prospect for new clients and customers while you sleep.

When you want to improve your corporate sales teams' ability to persuade prospects, let us help you teach them how to uncover the Invisible Sale and then convert it by learning to Sell Greatly via our webinars, keynotes, and workshops

Are you ready to ditch the RFP? Let us show you how your advertising, public relations, or digital agency can become Known For Knowledge to drive pre-qualified leads into your inbox who are already pretty sure they want to work with you.
Are You Ready To Sell Greatly?
Let’s talk a bit about social selling. It’s important to note that we define Social Selling a wee bit differently than most sales training companies. In our opinion, Social Selling isn’t teaching your sales teams to use Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. While those platforms play a role in Social Selling, simply knowing how to use them doesn’t constitute true Social Selling.
Nope. Social Selling is a fundamentally different approach, process, and style of prospecting, nurturing, and closing sales. One that emphasizes the social over the selling.
In our world, social selling is a relationship first, quality over quantity, buyer-first, trust, and empathy-based approach that, once mastered, ensures you can Sell Greatly.
Everything we teach is rooted in the 5 Ps of Selling - Proximity, Preparation, Patience, Presence, and Preference -- our science-based approach to repeatedly and reliably creating strong customer relationships that enable deep, quality conversations that convert into customers.
And best of all, when you’re selling greatly, you’re prospecting less and closing more because the Sell Greatly approach teaches you how to leverage the science of relationship building and persuasion to make friends and close deals.
Todd Fromer
A True Professional Who Knows What You Don't
I like Tom's style! He is straight to the point and backs up his counsel with proof points and analysis. We held a 20+ executive senior staff training with Tom and the feedback from our senior staff has been phenomenal. Our executives have adopted a number of his techniques and have taken his advice on helpful software programs and apps that have made them more effective at selling and prospecting. Tom is still assisting some of our people with ongoing training. You will not regret working with Tom! He is a true professional who knows what you don't and that is invaluable.

Monisha Hatfield
I think that we need more time with Tom.
I really like that Tom did not focus on sending emails to people who did not want to hear from you. Instead, his focus on becoming known for knowledge, making others want to seek us out, was far more compelling. I like the business development science he shared, the conversation goals discussion and so much more about his workshop — especially the Dress For Success portion (Creating a World Class LinkedIn Profile), as it was VERY actionable.
I think that we need more time with Tom. I feel like we can go deeper on what Propinquity Points to focus on, prospecting tips and tricks contained within each section of the workshop!

You can’t convert the customers you can’t see. Today’s self-educating buyers cloak themselves in anonymity and, with the power of their screens, conduct extensive pre-purchase research online without ever revealing their interest and intent to you.
Tom rips down the communication barrier between sales and marketing teams in this easy-to-digest demonstration of how both teams can work together to attract, measure, and close prospects in today's online landscape.
A Transformative Social Selling Journey
First, we'll teach your team how to make compelling first impressions online. Then, we'll give them the confidence to use content creatively, initiating conversations that naturally lead to sales without fearing rejection. And finally, they'll learn the art of effortlessly transitioning digital discussions into effective sales dialogues by recognizing the right moment to shift from casual chat to serious business, employing smooth and natural techniques.
In a world where professionals often dislike selling and believe they are not good at it, Tom inspires and empowers them to embrace sales prospecting with confidence and enthusiasm. By reframing the conversation from selling to helping, Tom guides your team towards a more rewarding and effective Painless Prospecting journey free of cold calls and unsolicited emails.
If your team is tired of the traditional, high-pressure sales methods that yield mediocre results, Tom will equip them with the mindset, skills, and strategies to excel by consistently creating conversations that convert to new customers.
How to Harness the Science of Propinquity, Likability and Persuasion to Become The Salesperson Customers Can't Wait to Work With Again.
Tom takes your salespeople on a journey built around uncommon thoughts and groundbreaking ideas that will revolutionize their approach to business development. He'll teach your team how to ignite curiosity, foster likability, and inspire unwavering customer loyalty. Ultimately, your team will understand the science of human preferences and decision-making, know how to build meaningful connections based on trust, and leverage knowledge to create Top-of-Mind-Preference.
How to Craft a World-Class Presence & Network of Connections To Grow Your Business
In today's digital-first world, a strong LinkedIn presence is more than just a professional courtesy; it's a pivotal tool in growing your business. This session will elevate your team's LinkedIn game, teaching them how to craft a world-class profile and cultivate a network of connections that opens doors to unprecedented business opportunities.
A few of the brands that have trusted us to train their sales teams...

Need to discuss your organization’s sale training needs?
Or maybe just want to learn more about how the individual programs can be tailored for you? Let’s schedule a quick call and see if we’re a good fit.