What's Happening: the Covid-19 Pandemic has fundamentally changed the world of sales prospecting — likely forever.
Between The Lines: The future of work AND life is increasingly location agnostic. Gone are the days when people, including sales prospects, feel the need for face-to-face engagement to do their job effectively. These Location Agnostics are trading the avariciousness of face-to-face sales meetings for the providence of digital interactions. And in doing so, they free themselves from the shackles of "place."
Reality Check: The days of buying a sales prospects’ attention or ongoing access with dinner or drinks are essentially over. Today's successful salesperson must be adept at digital relationship building and sales nurturing.
Why It's Important: Digital channels offer sales prospects unprecedented tools to block salespeople. And by 'block,’ I mean render them digitally invisible forever. For this reason, salespeople must learn good social selling manners.
But First Things First… The upside to this movement towards a more digitized world is knowledge. Today it's unacceptable to meet a stranger. Successful salespeople will conduct Social Reconnaissance to develop detailed prospect dossiers full of Conversation Catalysts. Then, armed with this knowledge and trained in the social graces, they'll slip on down to the social platform of choice to make friends in high and low places.
What You Need To Do Next is Realize the days of "sales is a numbers game" are over. You need to immediately begin retraining your sales teams to prospect, nurture, and even close in a wholly digital environment.
The Bottom Line is Social Selling, Remote Selling, Virtual Selling, or whatever the name dejour is this week, is here to stay. Buyers have figured out that it's a more convenient, efficient and possibly enjoyable way to evaluate and purchase products and services. Leaving you with one choice: keep limping along hoping things will go back to normal OR invest in the necessary sales training your team needs to successfully compete in today's new digital first world.
Need some help with that? Click here to schedule an exploratory call.
This post was originally published on Painless Prospecting, the weekly sales and marketing blog created by the fine folks at Converse Digital. If you want to learn how to create, engage in, and convert conversations into new clients and customers, give them a call.