[fve]http://youtu.be/7tciDDwJICA[/fve] YouTube is the second most searched website in the world but one of the biggest challenges that most folks have is converting that viral video into website or blog traffic. It would be a lot easier if YouTube just let you embed links to your blog or website in the actual video. But alas, …
In sales organizations around the globe sales & marketing executives are debating the merits of inbound marketing versus outbound marketing B2B approaches. Unfortunately, many of the discussions are akin to hardcore democrats versus republicans with each side trying to paint the issue in black and white. While I wish it was that simple, it’s not. …
Research from Google shows that now more than ever, Woody Allen was right – Showing Up is 80% of social selling success. Today’s self educating B to B buyer is increasingly turning to sources other than salespeople for information. Number Of Sources Buyers Consult Google’s ZMOT Research, released in 2011 revealed that consumer shoppers consult …
[fve]http://youtu.be/xVfR4TeGuTk[/fve] We recently redesigned our website to make it more funnel optimized and upgraded it to a responsive design website so it would render on smartphones. But this created one big problem – our videos didn’t resize with the rest of the site on mobile. To fix that we had to either invest in additional …
Every year we see the same “Biggest Trends for XXXX Year” for marketing, technology, and especially social media. In 2011, I interviewed 52 social media thought leaders to see what they thought was “NEXT”. So, as 2012 has closed, let’s see how accurate they were. Social Media Predictions for 2012 I went back through all …
Have you noticed an uptick in the number of social media consultants and social brands launching Podcasts? I have… which got me to thinking, are we seeing a resurgence in Podcasting? Will 2013 be the year of the Podcast? Should your company be considering a podcast as part of your overall digital marketing strategy? That’s …
While social media platforms are great for connecting, I’d argue they’re even more powerful and valuable as consumer marketing research tools. In fact, a few years ago, we actually uncovered a potential client’s #3 hurdle to purchase with a simple Twitter survey. Oh, and until we showed them our informal Twitter survey, they had NEVER …
There is a perfect storm brewing in the journalism and advertising world. A storm that is fundamentally altering how and where consumers interact with information and news. On Wednesday, December 5th, we’re going to talk about it in a FREE LIVE WEBINAR and you’re invited to register! This storm is driven by four key media, …
Quick – which did you see — a duck or a rabbit? What you just experienced was a gestalt system in action or more specifically the principal of Multistability. However, what should really have your attention is this: if a simple black & white line drawing can represent two entirely different meanings without so much …
How often do you make presentations? Maybe they’re sales presentations, or maybe you speak at conferences, or maybe you create training courses for your company or clients. How much time do you spend creating those presentations? I’m guessing that if you added up all the time you spend writing, designing, practicing and then delivering a …
Persuasion is an art and a science. This post shares the five key characteristics of persuasive blogs and a persuasive writing template.
...Wanna know the biggest mistake companies make with their social media and content marketing efforts? Promise you won’t tell or think less of them for this obvious oversight? Ok… come closer…shhhhhh, don’t tell but here it is….. If no one finds your content, it doesn’t matter if it is interesting. Confused? Let me clarify. There …
It’s fairly easy to create compelling content marketing if you’re a major liquor brand or a popular destination or any host of other brands. But what if you’re marketing to a niche audience or your product isn’t sexy? Then what do you do? What if you were a travel brand whose target was long-term corporate …
Tomorrow I’ll be speaking at the SoMeT — Tourism Symposium in Loudoun, VA. I’m really excited about this presentation because I’ll largely be addressing client side tourism marketers. I’m looking forward to hearing their thoughts on my hypothesis that their content calendars might actually be hampering the effectiveness of their social media and content marketing efforts. I’m …
If there is one thing that binds all marketers together, it’s lack of enough marketing budget to properly fund all of your marketing efforts to create an optimum marketing mix. This is especially true for brands and destinations engaged in international marketing. Over the last few years I’ve experimented with combining brands and social media …
As promised in my #LastWord contest announcement post on Monday, today I’m bringing you another in my iPhone Video series. If you missed my previous posts, you can read about my iPhone video tools, my thoughts on using an iPhone vs the Flip for video blogging, any my 8 simple secrets to better iPhone video …
Do yourself a favor and stop reading this post for 30 seconds, drop over to your Twitter, Facebook or Google+ stream and take a peek at what you see. I’m guessing that you like most folks you’re going to see a lot of one thing: content. Content being shared in the form of links, photos, …
Is Big Lens the new Instagram or just the coolest iPhone photo app released to date? The photo above — I just took that using my iPhone and then retouching (on the iPhone) with Big Lens. I changed my depth of field, isolated the Converse Digital business card and then applied a photo filter to …
I’m sensing a seismic shift in our business. No longer will marketing strictly be about finding target audiences and telling clients how to speak to those audiences using traditional primary and secondary research. Instead, our job will be to act as curators of communities of like-minded people. They will become like our friends or like …
Breadcrumb Marketing is about enticement, allure, information, and persuasion — all without the buyer really realizing they are being sold.
...Have you noticed how much content drives conversation in Social Media today? Take a quick scan of your Twitter stream or Facebook wall and you’ll likely notice that the vast majority of tweets and post contain a link to content — be that video, photo or even written (in the form of an article or …
What’s more important for your business right now — creating demand or the desire to demand? If you listen to the social media ROI folks, you’ll hear them beat that demand drum all day and often well into the night. And while I agree with them — ROI is important and you do have to …
On Friday, I had the honor of serving on a WordCampNola Social Media panel with Tiffany Starnes,Damien Lamanna, Robbie Vitrano and moderator Chris Schultz. After the panel, I received a tweet fromPeter Rad asking, to @tommartin #wordcampnola Why do you want your tweets to go to every social site? Why repeat that over and over? Peter had misunderstood a comment I made …