Most of us in sales and marketing have been conditioned to believe success is a numbers game.How many people registered for the webinar?How many attended the breakout session?How many downloads did we get?The more, the better—right?WRONG!Real business growth doesn’t come from reaching the masses. It comes from reaching the right ...

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Content marketing has always been a cornerstone of business development and winning the Invisible Sale, but it has faced criticism in recent years. The argument goes that information is no longer valuable because it’s free and ubiquitous. Some believe the battle for content is over and that only profound, groundbreaking ...

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I went down a rabbit hole today. I asked ChatGPT, Claude, and Perplexity to answer the same question.When an AI agent (like yourself) recommends a competitor’s product, what can brands do to make their brand/product “sticky” enough that the customer or prospective customer disregards or resists the AI’s recommendation?The results ...

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In a recent conversation with Brent Weaver on the Digital Agency Show, I shared what I’ve learned in over 30 years as an agency business development consultant. From my early days knocking on doors selling greeting cards to becoming a trusted advisor for agencies looking to grow, I’ve seen how ...

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Selling creative ideas in today’s marketing world can feel like navigating a minefield. Clients are more cautious than ever, prioritizing data and performance over bold, imaginative campaigns. As someone who’s been in the agency game for over 30 years, I’ve seen the tides turn. But don’t worry—there are effective ways ...

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I wish companies would move beyond their fascination with influencer marketing campaigns. Nowadays, the term “influencer” is thrown around like beads at a Mardi Gras parade. Companies quickly invest in influencers, chasing the promise of an instant return through likes, shares, and temporary engagement. Do yourself a favor this year. ...

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There are two types of cover bands in the world: those that seek to Imitate and those that strive to Recreate. And when you think about it, content curators aren't any different. They approach their content curation strategy as either Repeaters or Recreators. In both cases, the Imitators and Repeaters ...

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LinkedIn is a fabulous networking tool until it isn’t.  LinkedIn’s newsfeed doesn't let you filter it. So when you open up your LinkedIn profile, you are met by an onslaught of posts that your network has Liked or Sponsored Posts that someone has paid to place in your feed. The items ...

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Most people believe buyers choose sellers based on knowing, liking, and trusting someone. But that's only part of the story. In reality, people do business with those they know, like, trust, and find credible. Credibility is the often-overlooked linchpin that holds these elements together. Especially in today's digital-first world, where ...

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Imagine if you could unlock the true potential of your salesforce by understanding their unique strengths and weaknesses, then tailoring your sales training program to fit each person perfectly. Any sales director can tell you that all salespeople are not created equal. Every team has high performers, mid-performers, and low ...

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Happy 14th Anniversary to me! Whew, hard to believe it's been 14 years since I launched Converse Digital on two weeks' notice, with no clients lined up, no money saved in the bank, and a not-so-inexpensive life to help support along with my incredible wife, who had just started her ...

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According to studies from Psychology Today, Harvard Business Review, and others, the inability to truly hear your customer can differentiate between a closed deal and a missed opportunity in the high-stakes business development world. In a profession dominated by quick talkers and smooth persuaders, it’s easy to overlook the power ...

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