LinkedIn is a fabulous networking tool until it isn’t.  LinkedIn’s newsfeed doesn't let you filter it. So when you open up your LinkedIn profile, you are met by an onslaught of posts that your network has Liked or Sponsored Posts that someone has paid to place in your feed. The items ...

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Most people believe buyers choose sellers based on knowing, liking, and trusting someone. But that's only part of the story. In reality, people do business with those they know, like, trust, and find credible. Credibility is the often-overlooked linchpin that holds these elements together. Especially in today's digital-first world, where ...

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Imagine if you could unlock the true potential of your salesforce by understanding their unique strengths and weaknesses, then tailoring your sales training program to fit each person perfectly. Any sales director can tell you that all salespeople are not created equal. Every team has high performers, mid-performers, and low ...

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Happy 14th Anniversary to me! Whew, hard to believe it's been 14 years since I launched Converse Digital on two weeks' notice, with no clients lined up, no money saved in the bank, and a not-so-inexpensive life to help support along with my incredible wife, who had just started her ...

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According to studies from Psychology Today, Harvard Business Review, and others, the inability to truly hear your customer can differentiate between a closed deal and a missed opportunity in the high-stakes business development world. In a profession dominated by quick talkers and smooth persuaders, it’s easy to overlook the power ...

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A Referred Client Prospect left you a message indicating that one of your clients or friends, whom we’ll call a Referral Agent, suggested they should contact you. They may or may not reveal the reasoning behind the need to chat; usually, I find they don’t. Instead, they leave a phone ...

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Last week I received an email that pained me to read. The sender had just shared what she hoped had been an impactful PowerPoint presentation during a networking event we both attended and had asked me for my opinion. After trading emails, she finally sent this:I 1,000% need help, especially ...

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Hot off the presses. I received an advance copy of the RSW/US 2024 Agency New Business Outlook Report. The agency sample came from the RSW/US database of over 7,000 marketing services, advertising, and PR firms in the U.S. and Canada, ranging in size from under $3M in capitalized billings to ...

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I’m a voracious reader. I always have been. The best Christmas gift I ever received was a Kindle Unlimited Subscription. I mean, books are the cheapest, highest ROI investment you can make in your future and career. So with that in mind… here is my Christmas gift to you this ...

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You've spent untold hours crafting the perfect high-ticket item, a comprehensive agency business development course, a point-and-click easy agency pricing template, and then building remarkable landing pages. You launch, promote, and advertise, hoping traffic shows up. And it does... only there is one HUGE problem. As soon as your visitors ...

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Trust sits at the cornerstone of any successful sales relationship. But that trust can be elusive in today’s digital age, especially regarding B2B gated content marketing. So how can you ensure your gated content builds trust rather than erodes it? Simple. For starters, don't commit these seven deadly sins that ...

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In the high-stakes business development arena, your success hinges on evaluating, pursuing, and, when necessary, knowing when to stop pursuing a lead. While I'm not much of a gambler, the professional poker players' wisdom of "optimal quitting" offers a strategic lens through which you can view your business development efforts. ...

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