We just released a brand new 15-minute webinar specifically designed for advertising, PR and Digital agencies that want to learn how to combine my Painless Prospecting approach to building a consistent inbound pipeline of highly qualified, self-educated buyers that are pretty sure they want to hire you before you ever speak with them directly with …
WARNING: If you are of the mindset that all prospects are leads, you’ll probably disagree with what I’m about to say. I’m a huge fan of online product demos and webinars because they let me easily self-educate about a product or service I’m considering. And as a business, you should love these tools as …
So today I want to talk to you about the lies, but I also want to talk to you about the truths of Big Data. I’m giving you my recent big data presentation as a downloadable webinar. My goal is that when you finish the downloadable webinar, you’re going to feel really confident having a conversation …
Last week at #SoMeT13US, I had the opportunity to share my take on a key tourism sales and marketing strategy that I think all destinations should be deploying immediately. I talked about how DMOs and CVBs could find and win the invisible sales lead by leveraging proven social selling techniques. I thought you might find it …