5 Tips from a serial entrepreneur to ensure your business succeeds today and in the future.
...The 10 most important #Entrepreneurship lessons I’ve learned the last 10 years of owning my own company. And a few may surprise you. #JustSaying
...How a DMO can Sell Greatly by programming or influencing a first time visitor’s destination experience to maximize the value for both the visitor and the destination marketing organization.
...Today’s post is inspired by the KSHMR, Nevve song Do Bad Well. It got me to thinking about how salespeople approach sales training today. So often, instead of trying to learn how to do good, the training just reinforces how to do bad well. Stick with me here… it will all come together. Doing Bad …
Yesterday morning I had the pleasure of spending an hour with a group of men discussing gratitude — its role in our lives, how we should be teaching it to our children, its role in our religion (it was a prayer group) — and that got me to thinking about the role of gratitude in …
Let’s face it. Every second you spend sales prospecting that doesn’t result in a sale or the creation of a long-term Social Agent relationship is basically wasted time. So today, let’s talk about the four things you can do immediately to improve your sales prospecting success rate. Never Talk To a Stranger As a salesperson, …
What Are The Advantages of Face-to-Face Meetings? While everyone loves the ability of technology to scale our sales efforts, save time and my personal favorite, call on sales prospects all around the globe while sleeping in my own bed each night, the simple truth is, nothing closes a deal like a great face-to-face meeting with …
Prince wasn’t just a great singer, he was also a great sales prospecting philosopher. Don’t believe me? Let’s look at two of his songs and how he contrasts the painful traditional ad agency business development process vs a painless prospecting process preferred by agencies like Converse Digital. Traditional RFP Based Business Development Are you familiar …
Getting and maintaining a consumers’ or sales prospects’ attention. It’s the single hardest and most important step in any sales process. So how, in a digitally centric, content overload world do you actually do it? Getting A Sales Prospect’s Attention People will take interesting calls. – David Droga Getting A Consumer’s Attention Attention spans are …
For people that wish they could Sell Greatly, here is a a simple process for quickly creating empathy-based connections with sales prospects that creates conversations that turn into customers.
...In a world of marketing automation, artificial intelligence (AI), and mass personalization, human beings are craving connection. But you can’t mass produce connection.
But the good news is… it doesn’t have to for you to succeed in sales. Read On….
...PODCAST: Sales Prospecting Technique for people that hate sales prospecting with Tom Martin and John Jantsch.
...What if you woke up in a world without ANY sales prospects? What would you do? How would you proceed? A real life success story of a man that survived that in this post.
...Entrepreneurial success hinges on your ability to form connections – not in the opportunity networking sense but in the real human common ground and purpose sense. Here’s more on that subject today.
...As I embark on yet another Fat Tuesday, I can’t help but flashback a decade (yes, it’s been 10 years since I first invited you to experience Mardi Gras via my Tweetstream) and marvel at the power of Social Media to build brand perception. Back then, my little experiment was novel (no one had ever …
Have you ever received a LinkedIn Cold or Warm Message like the one above? You know, where someone makes a sales ask via LinkedIn’s Messaging system either as a first or second touch? Arggg. I hate those. Folks just don’t realize that you only get one chance to make a LinkedIn impression. But beyond that, …
I read Gary’s missive this week and to be fair, I love the tactic he suggests but hate everything else about his recommendation because if you blindly follow it, you’ll fail. Let me explain. Conversations Become Customers I couldn’t agree more with Gary’s recommendation to create proximity with your sales prospects using events as a tool …
Everyone loves digital advertising for its tracking capability vs traditional advertising. It’s easier to prove digital marketing ROI vs traditional advertising because digital makes the invisible buyer visible. But is this focus on clicks causing you to miss conversions? Let’s talk about that today. You Can’t Sell To Invisible Buyers In our zeal to prove …
A few weeks ago Tom had a chance to sit down with Luke over at Toucan Advertising to talk about how ad agencies, pr agencies and frankly anyone in the consulting world, can turn conversations into customers. The podcast, Briefly, is about 30 minutes long and they covered a number of topics including: How …
Every day you find another article about some new Social Selling tip, trick or tactic to improve your sales prospecting success. So you read, follow and try. But that’s a recipe for sales prospecting failure. Everyone is asking themselves the same question – “What’s going to change in social selling or sales prospecting?” “What’s going …
Do you remember the story of The Trojan Horse? In the story, the Greeks constructed a huge wooden horse and hid a select force of men inside. The Greeks pretended to sail away and the Trojans pulled the horse into their city as a victory trophy. That night the Greek force crept out of the …
This morning I read an interesting research study indicating that 57% of B2B Marketers felt “Getting targeted prospects to engage” was their #1 challenge in generating new leads. Following closely on the heels was “Finding leads that convert” at 55%. “Finding Qualified Names,” usually considered one of the biggest challenges was a distant third at …
Social Selling, like most things in life, is a marathon, not a sprint and you should act accordingly. Social Selling Techniques are about making an investment today that will generate sales in the next month, quarter or year. But for companies or people just starting out, let’s talk about how to begin and where should …
How do you track social selling and content marketing success in a world where 65% of all content sharing is invisible to your data analytics software? What does sales prospecting success look like? What social selling KPIs do you track and report? Here is a simple solution. Dark Social Is Growing The chart from GetSocial …
Let me show you an example of how this might work, using Chapter 14, of my book, The Invisible Sale, “Creating Text-Based Content.” Chapter 14 easily deconstructs into multiple individual blog posts. One blog post idea is to repurpose the “Talking vs Typing” section into a blog post titled “How to Use Voice-to-Text Transcription Software …
We all want the Google Juice. We’ve been told it’s the silver bullet to inbound marketing success. But we’re wrong. The only way to truly Google Proof your website, and your online marketing efforts, is Propinquity. Today we’ll talk about why propinquity marketing is a better long-term strategy vs the classic Google/Inbound strategy for most …
Do you struggle with connecting your sponsorship sales leads and attendee leads lists? Leveraging people on each to help you create qualified sales prospects for the other? If so, this post is for you. A friend of mine produces large conferences and she struggles with leveraging the folks on each list, whose colleagues present sales …
According to just released data from Pew…. YES… Â Millennials are far more likely than their elder brethren to be searching for God via the Internet. In fact, they’re almost 5 TIMES more likely to seek the Almighty on the web then Baby Boomers and this might be the most important marketing stat you’ll read all …
How often do you make a purchase that you don’t fully understand? I know I do all the time. If my house needs a new roof, I have to hire roofers who will provide the materials and complete the installation. But I know nothing about roofing! How do I make an informed decision about who …