Learn step-by-step techniques to streamline your LinkedIn feed, improve engagement, and maximize your networking success. Say goodbye to irrelevant posts and hello to targeted, meaningful connections.
...Imagine if you could unlock the true potential of your salesforce by understanding their unique strengths and weaknesses, then tailoring your sales training program to fit each person perfectly. Any sales director can tell you that all salespeople are not created equal. Every team has high performers, mid-performers, and low performers, driving companies to invest …
Discover the secrets of painless prospecting and networking like a pro. Unique insights for turning everyday conversations into lasting relationships.
...Learn how active listening can revolutionize your sales techniques and boost business development success.
...A Referred Client Prospect left you a message indicating that one of your clients or friends, whom we’ll call a Referral Agent, suggested they should contact you. They may or may not reveal the reasoning behind the need to chat; usually, I find they don’t. Instead, they leave a phone number and a short message …
I’m a voracious reader. I always have been. The best Christmas gift I ever received was a Kindle Unlimited Subscription. I mean, books are the cheapest, highest ROI investment you can make in your future and career. So with that in mind… here is my Christmas gift to you this year. The 12 best business …
Unlock success in B2B gated content marketing by avoiding these 7 cardinal sins. Learn how to build trust and enhance lead quality for better ROI.
...Learn how to identify the best time to stop pursuing a lead that is unlikely to convert to maximize your business development efforts.
...I recently listened to Barbara Winters, VP and principal analyst at Forrester, to discuss how Gen Z and Millennial B2B Buyers are reshaping the buying process and what companies should do to succeed with these buyers. And what she had to say, kind of blew me away. Honestly. Here’s why. When I wrote The Invisible …
Today’s post is the final installment of our three-part series — LinkedIn Sales Prospecting for Introverts. If you missed the first post, Building Connections That Matter, or the second post, How To Leverage Content Marketing Strategies On LinkedIn To Attract Qualified Prospects, feel free to read those before continuing on to today’s post, Introvert-Friendly LinkedIn …
Today’s post is the second part of our three-part series — LinkedIn Sales Prospecting for Introverts. If you missed the first post, Building Connections That Matter, feel free to read it before continuing on to today’s post, LinkedIn Content Marketing Strategies for Introverts. It’s ok, I’ll wait . As an introverted business development professional, …
Introverts, rejoice! Sales prospecting doesn’t have to be a daunting task, and LinkedIn, like other social media sites, offers the perfect platform to help you build meaningful connections and leverage your introverted strengths. As a fellow introvert, I’m here to share a few practical tips that have worked for me and others in the business …
The world of sales prospecting has changed dramatically over the past decade. Traditional prospect badgering approaches to business development are giving way to digital sales strategies, especially virtual selling skills-based tactics, forcing businesses to evolve to succeed in today’s fast-paced digital landscape. This guide will provide the tactics and insights necessary to master digital sales …
Networking has always been essential to growing your personal and professional brand. But for introverts like me, networking, especially the sales prospecting and nurturing variety, doesn’t sound fun. Luckily, the digital landscape offers many networking opportunities for introverts that want to connect with qualified prospects by curating and sharing high-quality digital content that your prospects …
Almost three years after the world shifted to remote and hybrid work, Zoom, Teams, and GoToMeeting continue as vital tools for agency owners and business development executives to connect with their prospects. However, presenting over these virtual presentation platforms continues to create agency business development challenges because agency teams still lack the vital virtual selling …
As we’ve discussed before, According to the WSJ, $250 million per day is wasted on bad, ineffectively designed PowerPoint Presentations. It still amazes us that companies continue to spend millions of dollars developing sales slicks, marketing campaigns, lead generation programs, etc., but spend little or nothing on the most utilized tool in their sales toolbox — …
My sons love to fish. I like to fish. The problem is, we don’t know how to fish — or better stated, we don’t know how to FIND where the fish are hanging out. And we’re not alone. There is an entire industry devoted to helping folks like us find and catch fish — charter …
At a minimum, social media, email, and texting are the new phone. They’re both inbound and outbound marketing tools to contact and communicate with sales prospects. Are they always the best phone to use for all contacts? Certainly not, but they do allow you to call more prospects in a day than you’d likely be …
Have you ever been at a networking event and met someone you really hit it off with, but there was just something off-putting about them that made you hesitant to work together? They had the connections, the skills, the product, the charisma…but man, their breath just stank? Now, the nice, reasonable guy in me would …
“What are the best ways to build rapport with customers or prospects during a virtual sales call or meeting?” – a great question answered in this post.
...We just released a brand new 15-minute webinar specifically designed for advertising, PR and Digital agencies that want to learn how to combine my Painless Prospecting approach to building a consistent inbound pipeline of highly qualified, self-educated buyers that are pretty sure they want to hire you before you ever speak with them directly with …
On a recent virtual selling webinar we delivered one of the attendees asked “Do you have any suggestions on how to cut through the high-volume message clutter and information overload suffered by potential prospects?” Rather than limit my answer just to that individual, I thought I would share it with you too. So here are …
This week, the Wall St. Journal proclaimed “Business Travel Won’t Be Taking Off Soon Amid Coronavirus.” In the article, numerous CEO’s remarked they intend to maintain a smaller travel budget, field fewer face-to-face sales calls and in general, continue leveraging the efficiencies of virtual selling for the foreseeable future, if not forever. This shouldn’t come …
NEW Research strongly suggests that Social Selling and digital sales tools, which have been steadily becoming more central to successful sales prospecting over the last 10 years will continue to dominate post Covid-19 outbreak. Read More…
...Coronavirus has turned the world, especially the sales world, upside down. Traditional sales methods like face-to-face selling and in some cases, even phone sales, have been rendered pretty much useless. Increasingly sales reps are relying instead on email, social media outreach and video-conferencing. But while our tools today are somewhat different, our sales & marketing …
Are you a first time Zoom user? If you’re like any of my friends, chances are the answer to that question is YES. Or maybe your team has chosen Facetime Calls, or GoToMeeting or Google Hangouts or Skype or any host of other video calling platforms to meet during this time of social distancing. It …
Recently I ran across and interesting discussion on LinkedIn about the effectiveness of cold calls — or maybe better stated — lack of effectiveness. One comment in particular jumped out at me and really got me to thinking about a future where the cold call could again be an effective outbound sales prospecting tool. Every …
Marketing has always had its 4P’s, and now Sales has its 5P’s – a proven relationship first approach to consistently closing more deals with less work.
...The single biggest mistake sales teams make today is focusing exclusively on prospects and ignoring these social agents who will introduce you to prospective customers both offline and online.
...Is Patience simply a virtue or is there real profitability in a patient sales prospecting/closing approach?