May 15, 2019

What if you woke up in a world without ANY sales prospects? What would you do? How would you proceed? A real life success story of a man that survived that in this post.

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May 8, 2019

When salespeople face a constant series of objections from multiple sales prospects, they can become frustrated and lost.

This post offers five simple steps to overcome that feeling and get back on track for sales success.

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April 24, 2019

WARNING: If you are of the mindset that all prospects are leads, you’ll probably disagree with what I’m about to say.   I’m a huge fan of online product demos and webinars because they let me easily self-educate about a product or service I’m considering. And as a business, you should love these tools as

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April 11, 2019

Today I had the honor of presenting at ContentTech. To a packed room of senior level marketers and a few sales people, we talked about the gulf between Marketing and Sales. Specifically, what causes it and how to fix it. For most marketing teams today, their role in the sales prospecting process is all about

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October 8, 2013

Every day I hear companies involved in B2B sales prospecting lament the shrinking sales cycle. Sales cycles that used to take six months, a year or even more — now routinely cut in half. These companies come asking for B2B sales tips to apply in a world where sales prospecting has to work in half

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