November 18, 2021

Hello, welcome to the internet—a cold, unforgiving place where the dank memes are retweeted with glee, and the cringeworthy panderers are downvoted into submission. We’ve seen a lot of hype lately from the viral content marketing types about hopping on the hot trends and their efficacy for brands’ marketing efforts—articles like this New York Times

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November 11, 2021

Love it or hate it, virtual presenting is here for the long haul and YOU need to be good at it. That’s what the smart folks over at Gartner Research think. And honestly, after looking at all of the various data I’ve seen published since the COVID-19 pandemic began, I think they’re right.  But don’t take my

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November 4, 2021

It’s been a year this week since Google released their most recent version of the Search Quality Rater Guidelines, the Holy Bible of SEO content marketing standards and source of many stomach ulcers for marketing professionals. Given the guidelines’ anniversary, and the recent rollout of Google’s BERT successor MUM, it’s an excellent time to consider

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