Should we be on [insert name of new or hot social network here] or [established social media platform]? This is easily the most common question our digital strategy clients pose to us. And interestingly of late, the question tends to focus on two of the biggest social media platforms – Facebook and Instagram – often …
The Facebook Like, is often dismissed as little more than a Facebook Marketing vanity metric by many in the social media marketing world. I get it, it’s so easy to Like something. It doesn’t take a lot of effort, so how valuable is a Facebook Like really in terms of brand building, lead generation and …
Facebook’s announcement that “The new algorithm will emphasize posts from friends and family over viral videos and clickbait headlines from Pages.” doesn’t mean you need a new social media strategy. It means you’ll need to execute better against the same social media strategy you should have been deploying all along. Let me show you why.This …