On a recent virtual selling webinar we delivered one of the attendees asked “Do you have any suggestions on how to cut through the high-volume message clutter and information overload suffered by potential prospects?” Rather than limit my answer just to that individual, I thought I would share it with you too. So here are …
As I sit in a hotel at the foot of the University of Texas campus for a day and a half of reliving my youth while simultaneously brainwashing my child, 413 email marketing newsletters await my attention this morning. Deleted them all. Today’s email marketers’ problem is that technology has made it too easy to …
A typical salesperson starts his day with a database full of unqualified prospects—a database that was populated by buying advertising, attending trade shows, purchasing prospect lists, or other networking activities. So, who do you call first? How do you know where to start? Here’s a proven way to help your salespeople find the prospects that …