Recently I’ve seen a raft of articles trumpeting the death of guest blogging as an effective content marketing strategy. It’s a shame that these authors miss the true value of guest blogging because they’re just focused on the short-term SEO ROI of guest blogging. If they understood the long-term sales and marketing value of guest …
Today’s post is inspired by the KSHMR, Nevve song Do Bad Well. It got me to thinking about how salespeople approach sales training today. So often, instead of trying to learn how to do good, the training just reinforces how to do bad well. Stick with me here… it will all come together. Doing Bad …
Let’s face it. Every second you spend sales prospecting that doesn’t result in a sale or the creation of a long-term Social Agent relationship is basically wasted time. So today, let’s talk about the four things you can do immediately to improve your sales prospecting success rate. Never Talk To a Stranger As a salesperson, …
What Are The Advantages of Face-to-Face Meetings? While everyone loves the ability of technology to scale our sales efforts, save time and my personal favorite, call on sales prospects all around the globe while sleeping in my own bed each night, the simple truth is, nothing closes a deal like a great face-to-face meeting with …
Getting and maintaining a consumers’ or sales prospects’ attention. It’s the single hardest and most important step in any sales process. So how, in a digitally centric, content overload world do you actually do it? Getting A Sales Prospect’s Attention People will take interesting calls. – David Droga Getting A Consumer’s Attention Attention spans are …
The 4 key insights for agencies from the Content Marketing Institute 2019 Agency Survey highlighting the income generating opportunity available for agencies.
...Let me show you an example of how this might work, using Chapter 14, of my book, The Invisible Sale, “Creating Text-Based Content.” Chapter 14 easily deconstructs into multiple individual blog posts. One blog post idea is to repurpose the “Talking vs Typing” section into a blog post titled “How to Use Voice-to-Text Transcription Software …