One of the biggest challenges in the business development process is pricing. Sometimes you're lucky, and the prospective client comes to you with a set budget and a well-defined scope of needs. But far too often, and especially if you're pitching a project, that simply isn't the case. Either because the client cannot accurately determine the services, they require and/or they can't or won't disclose a budget.
In either case, I've developed a powerful, simple solution — the BSGC Pricing Proposal template. This incredibly powerful Google Sheet is the ultimate self-education tool. With it, you can quickly and easily guide a prospect through multiple scope/pricing options based on various service offering combinations or different levels of the same core set of service offerings.
This is the EIGHT WEEK business development Master Class for advertising, public relations, and digital agencies that are tired of relying on referrals or invitations to "pitches" to grow the agency. And unlike other courses that only teach, in this Master Class, I walk with you side-by-side as together, we build YOUR Painless Prospecting platform piece by piece.
That's right, when you complete the class; you won't just know HOW to build a Painless Prospecting platform; you'll have already built one that is ready to start creating leads for your agency 24/7/365.
An on-demand Business Development course for advertising, public relations, and digital agencies that are tired of relying on referrals and “pitches” to find and win new clients. Painless Prospecting was designed and is delivered by Tom Martin, a successful agency business development executive himself, and specifically designed for biz dev executives and agency owners that want to grow their agencies STRATEGICALLY.
Each class is delivered via on-demand video lessons designed to systematically walk you through the process of building YOUR agency’s Painless Prospecting program. At the end of the course, EACH participant will schedule a private, 90-minute Ask Me Anything session with Tom where he will answer any outstanding questions.