BSGC Pricing Approach & Template

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  • BSGC Pricing Approach & Template

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One of the biggest challenges in the business development process is pricing. Sometimes you're lucky, and the prospective client comes to you with a set budget and a well-defined scope of needs. But far too often, and especially if you're pitching a project, that simply isn't the case. Either because the client cannot accurately determine the services, they require and/or they can't or won't disclose a budget.

In either case, I've developed a powerful, simple solution — the BSGC Pricing Proposal template. This incredibly powerful Google Sheet is the ultimate self-education tool. With it, you can quickly and easily guide a prospect through multiple scope/pricing options based on various service offering combinations or different levels of the same core set of service offerings.



Advertising, PR & Digital Agencies

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BSGC Pricing Approach & Template

Paid course

One of the biggest challenges in the business development process is pricing. Sometimes you're lucky, and the prospective client comes to you with a set budget and a well-defined scope of needs. But far too often, and especially if you're pitching a project, that simply isn't the case. Either because the client cannot accurately determine the services, they require and/or they can't or won't disclose a budget. In either case, I've developed a powerful, simple solution — the BSGC Pricing Proposal template. This incredibly powerful Google Sheet is the ultimate self-education tool. With it, you can quickly and easily guide a prospect through multiple scope/pricing options based on various service offering combinations or different levels of the same core set of service offerings.

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Meet Your Instructor

Tom Martin

Tom is 25+ year veteran of the sales & marketing industry with a penchant for stiff drinks, good debates and teaching people how to Sell Greatly, by turning conversations into customers. He is the founder of Converse Digital, author of The Invisible Sale, and a former contributing writer for Advertising Age. Tom guides clients through the digital sales & marketing maze and helps companies teach their sales force how to Painlessly Prospect their way to more sales. Follow him on Twitter or connect with him on LinkedIn.

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